Saturday, December 13, 2014

Perfection is NOT an Option in an Old House

One thing I have learned about living in an old house is that perfection is not an option.  Every project has issues.  And sometimes I just don't have the budget or energy to rip the walls to the studs and put up fresh drywall.  In comes wallpaper.  I know that many are afraid of wallpaper and it is intimidating.  It is a lot of work, but I really actually enjoy putting it up.  Am I professional - NO.   But, again, in an old house you have to accept that it will not be perfect.  It will hide imperfect old plaster walls, but the corners and seams may not be perfect. I know that once the wallpaper is up and the room is back to "living" I do not notice the imperfections unless I seek them out.

I only have two rooms that have wallpaper and one is the upstairs hallway.  I originally wallpapered it about 10 years ago and decided I needed a more subtle, relaxing pattern and my husband decided it was ok to tell me one day not long ago that our house looked like a hoarder's house because the wallpaper was falling down!

This old house of mine has taught me that I can be happy with imperfection. 






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